Friday, September 26, 2008

True Friends

How do you know when someone is your true friend? Someone you can trust with anything, go to with any problem. Someone who will be there to hold you while you cry, rejoice with you when your happy, and give you advice when you need it. And how long does it take for someone to become a true friend? Is there a specific amount of time? I think not.

I ask these questions because I have recently realized that I can confide in more people that I thought. People who actually listen to me, and actually care what i feel. I must admit, that's a pretty comforting feeling. Knowing that someone is always there to catch you when you fall is just wonderful if you know what I mean.

I hope all of you who read this know what it is like to have people like this in your lives, cus if not, you need to get some. And if you don't, it must stink to be you lol. I don't really know what I'm getting at here. I guess I'm just thankful for those people in my life who really care about what goes on. And you know who you are.

Thanks guys, I love you so much


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Holding on to the Memories

It seems to me that as we progress through our lives, we are losing the precious memories that are the key to our past. These cherished memories are slowly being erased from our minds, their empty voids being replaced with knowledge that cannot possibly be as important to us as what was erased.
This all started while I was relaxing this evening, soaking in the tub (yes...the bath tub). The quietness of the moment allowed my brain to detach itself from reality and wander away into its own little chamber of thought. I began to think about the important events in my life that changed me forever. I stumbled across what I consider to be one of the most important date in the history of my life...August 27th, 1998. That date may not be significant to any of you, and most of you probably don't know what happened on that day. But let me tell changed my life forever.
Some of you may have been able to guess what happened on this day, and some of you would have no clue that it ever happened until I tell you. On the day of August 27th, 1998, my dad was taken from my life out of the blue. No cause of death, no warning signs. It just happened. I was only 6, my brother only 11. I realize that it must have been much harder on my brother than it was on me. After all, I was just a mere 6 years old, and I really didn't have a clue.
As I look back on this tragic day, I realize that I have no recollection of who my dad memories, only stories that other people tell me. How am I supposed to wander through my life not knowing about half of who I am? There are so many things that I want to know...Is he proud of me for who I am now? Does he know that I would do anything just to see him one more time? Does he know that I love him? Does he know that I cry as I am writing this?
What makes me more upset is that I don't even take the time to think about him all that often...its like Ive just grown away from him. But how could you do that to someone you love? How did life become so automatic that I cant even take the time to think about someone so important?
I guess I'm trying to say that we need to cherish the time we have with the people with love, and make as many memories as we can, before its too late. That way, when we are gone, we can still reflect on their lives. So cherish your time and your memories, because one day they will be all that you have.


Sunday, September 14, 2008


Stereotype (n) - a generalized perception of first impressions: beliefs, and behaviors presumed by a group of people judging with the eyes/criticizing ones outer appearance(or a population in general) to be associated with another specific group.

Above is the Wikipedian definition for the word stereotype. Yet, it is so much more than just that simple definition. The process of is so complex, fixated at the top of the social hierarchy, that most of us feel that we are unable to change it. But who says we can't? Is there really that much of a difference between the cheerleader and the nerd? Sure...there is outer appearance, but what kind of person are you if you cant accept the way others look? I mean sure, we all criticize the way other people look, but its not like were never going to talk to them ever again. How do you know whats behind the exterior of the nerd if you never give that person a chance? You never know, they could turn out to be the nicest person you ever met, while the cheerleader could turn out to be a backstabber. You just don't know these things.

To clarify any confusion, this whole rant of mine started while I was watching an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (go ahead, laugh). In the episode, Sabrina uses her magic to turn a nasty cheerleader into a geek so that she can know what it is like from their shoes. Oh, if we only had the power that Sabrina we could change the social scale with one snap of a finger. Alas, we are not graced with the super-human power of magic...but that doesn't mean we can't change the way things are...does it?

Edward Everett Hale once said, "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." In other words, one person cannot make a difference on his/her own, but that one persons efforts can certainly create a dent. If that persons intent is purposeful, it will wield success with help from others. (Confused...idk it makes sense in my head).

As I look back on what I have just written, I realize that I have pretty much rambled on and on about a topic of little interest. I guess what I am trying to say is that just because we don't have magical powers, doesn't mean that we cant make a difference in the world. "If you work with others toward a common goal, you will find that you can achieve it with ease." (you can quote me lol).

So i guess I'll end with that somewhat insightful quote. (Yea I came up with that on the spot. I'm just that good).


Friday, September 12, 2008

First Entry

Let me start this off on a positive note...Welcome to my new blog! That is probably the only positive thing that you will get out of this note, because I tend to be very pessimistic (as my friends well know), so this blog may just turn into my ranting page.

Ahh.. a brand new school year. I am just over a week into my Junior year...I cant believe it. Im a junior now. Wow, life flies by so fast. Pretty soon it will be off to college and onto life. But now Im getting ahead of myself. So my first week of school has been pretty routine. Find my locker, my classes, all that good stuff. The great thing about the new school year is reconnecting with old friends whom you've neglected over the summer. The only other thing that I can think of is the new connections that you begin to make...the kind that go past friendship. I think I may be starting to find one of those now. I guess Ill just have to wait and see.

One thing that can always be associated with school...the five letter word that some people thrive on, and others wilt beneath...DRAMA. Boy drama, girl drama, friend drama, general drama. Drama will make you or break will ruin friendships, and break hearts. And yet, we are all guilty of starting it, spreading it, and falling prey to its grasp. And, as usual, I have fallen into its clutches, and I see no apparent way out. Lets just say that there is a certain person (Some of you know who I mean), and shes just bothers the life out of me. She treats me like Im her worst enemy, and yet I cant recall doing anything to her that would make her like this. I just want to take her big head and pop it like the zits that she has all over her ugly face >(.

Besides this drama (which I must says is RETARTED, ) I have to admit that the beginning of the year has gotten of to a pretty decent start. Wait...I just remember the major road block that stands between me and my happiness; it goes by the name of pre-calculus. I hate math. I hate it with a passion. Especially when the flippin test is so flippin hard that more than half the class fails. So heres the problem.
Me + 85 in math = Winter track ;)
Me + pre-calc = Failure = No winter track >(
So that's my dilemma for the time being. I guess Ill muddle my way through and hopefully see the light at the end of the radical...yea I get it I'm not funny.

On a more positive note, I wrote a little poem (not very well written I might add).
I guess you could call it a contract, or just a little something to try and follow.
Here's to a year,
Good times, no fights
Everyone unites.
Making memories,
expressing the pain
going INSANE!
going against the grain.
Loving each other
and each one another
to happiness,
and love,
the white peace dove
Striving for better
Taking the fall
Rising to the top
We ARE worth it all.

Remember those words. They might come in handy sometime.
Thanks for reading my first ever post. Your insight is appreciated
